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USEFUL Resources of the Week - Inspiration & Grants


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Useful Resources of the Week

To help you prepare for your business or gather inspiration. We have compiled a number of resources and organizational tools. Check out these grants. 


Tonya Lewter-Gordon, ED, NMDS Presenter of 2022 Business Matchmaking Expo for Supplier Diversity takes picture with  Women of Long Island Builders Institute Committee (LIBI).

Roddenberry Catalyst Fund - The Catalyst Fund is offering grants

to Nonprofits & Social Enterprises to fund ideas or early-stage

projects that have a high potential for large-scale impact and

sustainable change. You can be a seasoned social entrepreneur or

a first-time changemaker. Eligible candidates for the Catalyst Fund

may be individuals, teams of individuals, non-profit organizations, or

social enterprises. Grants for up to $15,000.

https://roddenberryfoundation.org/our-work/catalyst-fund/ [r20.rs6.net]


AAUW (American Assn of University Women) Community

Action Grant - Community Action Grants provide funding to

individuals as well as community-based nonprofits for innovative

programs that promote education and equity for women and girls.

Grants for up to $10,000. Apply by 12/1/2022 -

https://www.aauw.org/resources/programs/fellowships- [r20.rs6.net]

grants/current-opportunities/community-action/ [r20.rs6.net]


Amazon's Black Business Accelerator - Dedicated to helping

build sustainable equity and growth for Black entrepreneurs by

enabling their success as sellers. Grow your business with access to

financial support, strategic business guidance and mentorship, and

marketing and promotional support. https://sell.amazon. [r20.rs6.net]

com/programs/black-business-accelerator [r20.rs6.net]


AT&T Black Future Maker - Black Future Makers are dedicated

individuals pursuing greater possibilities for the greater good. Submit

a video of 30-60 seconds, or photo, on your Instagram feed

explaining how you are pursuing greater possibilities for you and the

community. Grants for $10,000. Apply by 12/31/22 https://www. [r20.rs6.net]

attdreaminblack.com/contest [r20.rs6.net]


Fearless Strivers - Open to black women who are legal U.S.

residents (including DC), 18+ and the principal owner of a U.S.-

based small business. Grants for $10,000. Apply by 12/31/22.

https://www.fearless.fund/strivers [r20.rs6.net]


HerRise Micro-Grant - Each month a $500 micro-grant will be

awarded to a for-profit small business owned by women of color.

Past recipients used their growth grants for computers, equipment,

marketing materials, software purchase, website creation and more.

https://www.hersuitespot.com/herrise/ [r20.rs6.net]


Juntos Crecemos Hispanic Digital & Delivery Program

(PepsiCo) - PepsiCo is inviting Latina entrepreneurs who work in

food service to apply for eight weeks of personalized expert

consultation, including best practices across operations, technology,

marketing and digital presence. https://pepsicojuntoscrecemos. [r20.rs6.net]

com/jefaowned/ [r20.rs6.net]


SBA Thrive Emerging Leaders Training program – Training

program for business owners that have annual revenues of at least

$250,000 and have been in business at least 3 years and have at

least one employee. https://sbathrive.com/about/ [r20.rs6.net]


Start Small Think Big is a nonprofit that helps small businesses

with limited access to the resources needed to create thriving

businesses. They partner with small business owners to provide

personalized support. They focus on NY and CA markets. If you

are interested in becoming a "client" of theirs for their free services

and support, you can fill out this application - https://partner. [r20.rs6.net]

startsmallthinkbig.org/bofainstitute [r20.rs6.net](https://partner.startsmallthinkbig.org/ [r20.rs6.net]

bofainstitute-esp [r20.rs6.net] for application in Spanish)


Verizon Small Business Digital Ready - Online curriculum

designed to give small businesses tools to succeed in today's digital

world including learning modules, expert coaching and peer

networking. https://www.verizon.com/about/responsibility/digital- [r20.rs6.net]

inclusion/small-business-training [r20.rs6.net]


Empire State Development Corp.’s COVID-19 Capital Costs

Tax Credit Program - Individual businesses can apply for tax

credits of up to $25,000, which may cover up to half of

qualified, pandemic-related expenses. Qualifying expenses

include supplies or upgrades related to health and safety,

including disinfectants, new HVAC equipment, touchless

kiosks, and outdoor-space expansions. -

https://esd.ny.gov/covid-19-capital-costs-tax-credit [r20.rs6.net]


NY State Pandemic Small Business Recovery Grant - Small

Business Recovery Grant Program was created to provide

flexible grant assistance to currently viable small businesses,

micro-businesses and for-profit independent arts and cultural

organizations in the State of New York who have experienced

economic hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Grants

from $5,000 to $50,000 - https:// [r20.rs6.net]

nysmallbusinessrecovery.com/ [r20.rs6.net]


“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.” 


― Maya Angelou

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