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Maartje Bakker

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  1. until

    Where would I have found the link? It says streamyard link coming soon. And where will I be able to see the recording?
  2. Hi everyone! Let me introduce myself beyond my work: I am a homebody with a love for thrifting, the outdoors, and shameless dance parties. I have a deep love for poetic lyrics in music and know every word to every Taylor Swift song. I feel things deeply, cry often, laugh often, and nothing makes me as happy as feeling the sun on my face. I say hi to dogs before I greet their owners. I am Dutch, so bring a beautiful pragmatic, directness combined with my newly acquired Southern sweetness & American optimism. I also am a career coach for newbie entrepreneurs & business-curious professionals who long to pivot their careers. As a former tech leader in Amsterdam I bridge the gap between the corporate world, startup scene, and entrepreneurship. My clients pivot their careers, land their dream jobs, and start businesses with clarity, confidence, and a whole lotta joy. I would absolutely love to connect with you on LinkedIn or Instagram. Please send me a little message and tell me about yourself! I am new to Greenville and am so excited to get to know this beautiful community better. Love! Maartje
  3. until
    Join fellow female entrepreneurs in Greenville for coffee to connect, network, laugh, and learn from each other. It takes a village to grow your business, so let us be that village for each other. We meet at 10 am at the Swamp Rabbit Cafe, get your fav coffee and will sit down to get to know each other before diving into a 'mastermind' session. Everyone can bring a topic, challenge, or obstacle they would like the others' opinions, advice, or suggestions on. You leave feeling nourished by sisterhood and inspired to take your business further! Join our online community in Slack here to stay in touch and get updates on next meetups.
  4. Hi everyone! For those of you who want to make a career change but don't know where to start - I have the most beautiful January experience lined up for you! The Virtual Career Change Retreat is a free 3-day experience that I am hosting January 23rd -25th. Expect to: finally answer the question: "What should be my next career step?" get free coaching during the calls! be in loving community with people who are experiencing the same obstacles. gentleness, nervous system regulation, and luxury care. My events are always an 11-star experience. I would love to support you in your career this month, so sign up here if this speaks to you!
  5. until

    How do I register for this event?
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